Wednesday, September 24, 2008


I now know why I should wear my "house shoes" (aka- flip flops)all the time. The lizards that are now finding there way into the house are being harassed by Sam and Tubby. Mostly Sam, Tubby just looks at it and then looks at me to make sure I am aware that there is a reptile in the house. But, after they tear it apart and eat the tail a few times, these pesky reptiles find there way into the seams of the carpet and nestle right in. The cats then can smell it and follow it in the carpet. Creepy... I know!. By this time I usually am on the phone with Justin crying about these ugly snake like lizards--- YUCK!!!


Fausett Family said...

My brothers used to pick up big alligator lizards, from the field behind our house, and throw them at us. The lizards would hiss and thrash around. Sometimes they would get stuck in our hair and we would be running around our backyard like wild animals trying to get them off of us. Our cat Rocky would bring half eaten dead lizards to our front door as a token of his affection.