Friday, January 16, 2009

TOP 10 in the last 2

Ok.... two months without blogging is a bit much. Especially the two most busiest months in the year! I will have a lot to catch up on and it will take some time but I will highlight the TOP 10 things that have happened in our lives in the past two almost 3 months.

10) I celebrated my 30 birthday!! Whipee!!!!

9) We celebrated our second Thanksgiving together.

8) We survived some of the coldest nights here WITHOUT any heat. COLD here is 24 degrees ( that's cold anywhere to me)

7) Our landlord is selling our home. Which means we will be moving.

6) We have set a date for our WEDDING.

5) A trip to the ER with Justin.

4) Christmas in the south, once again. And amazingly enough we didn't go over board

3) Ringing in the NEW YEAR--- 2009 at 11:00 pm and again at 12:09 am

2) Taking three YES 3...3...3... pregnancy tests. Did they come out postive? Happy 30th birthday to me.

1) Listening to our brand new babys HEART BEAT. The best feeling ever imagianable.
More details to come...